Project description

Around the turn of the first decade of this century, and rooted in the ancestral traditions of the Andean-Amazonian indigenous peoples of South America, Buen vivir or Vivir bien (good living) emerged as a promising concept around which to reorganize political and social life, with a strong restorative emphasis on indigenous territorial and cultural rights and political agency, but also on the resonances and learning/synergistic potential of indigenous cosmogonies with and for other political projects rooted in ideas of collective wellbeing, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability worldwide. In a series of articles published since 2012, Beling and co-author Julien Vanhulst - occasionally collaborating with other researchers in the field - explore Buen vivir in its origins, its relationship to other discourses in the field of social-ecological sustainability, and its implications and lessons for a new, more effective governance towards a sustainability transition that is suited to global, intercultural challenges.

Related Publications

  • Beling, A. E., Cubillo-Guevara, A.P, Vanhulst, J., Hidalgo-Capitán, A.L. (2021). Buen vivir (good living): Glocal genealogy of a Latin-American utopia. Latin American Perspectives. Volume 48, Issue 3, pp. 17-34

  • Vanhulst, J., Cubillo-Guevara, A.P., Beling, A.E., Hidalgo-Capitán, A.L. (2020). Los Discursos Políticos Latinoamericanos sobre el Buen Vivir (1992-2017). Ayer 119/2020 (3): pp. 165-195.

  • Cubillo-Guevara, A.P., Vanhulst, J., Hidalgo-Capitán, A.L. & Beling, A. E. (2018). Die lateinamerikanischen Diskurse zu Buen vivir: Entstehung, Institutionalisierung und Veränderung, Peripherie, Nr. 149, pp. 8-28

  • Carballo, Ana E., Beling, A.E., Vanhulst, J. (2018). Peripherie Stichwort: Buen vivir, Peripherie Nr. 149, pp. 96-99

  • Beling, Adrian (2018). Contribution to 'Roundtable on Vivir Bien. Great Transition Initiative (February 2018),

  • Vanhulst, Julien & Beling, Adrian (2017). Esquisse pour une généalogie glocal du Buen Vivir. Synergies Chili N°13, pp. 15-25. ISSN 0718-0675; ISSN en ligne 2260-6017

  • Beling, A. E. & Vanhulst, J. (2016) Aportes para una genealogía glocal del Buen vivir, Dossieres de Economistas sin Fronteras, N°23, pp. 12-17

  • Beling, A., Gomez Lechaptois, F. y Vanhulst, J. (2014) “Del Sumak Kawsay al Buen Vivir: filosofía andina como base para una racionalidad ambiental moderna”, en Carlos Miguel Gómez (Ed.) La religión en la sociedad post-secular, Colección Logos, Centro de Estudios Teológicos y de las Religiones- CETRE, universidad del Rosario, Bogotá.

  • Vanhulst, J., & Beling, A. E. (2014). Buen vivir: Emergent discourse within or beyond sustainable development? Ecological Economics, 101, 54–63.

  • Vanhulst Julien & Beling Adrian E. (2014) Buen Vivir: La Irrupción de América Latina en el Campo Gravitacional del Desarrollo Sostenible. Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica, Vol. 21: 01-14.

  • Vanhulst Julien & Beling Adrian E. (2013). Buen vivir et développement durable: rupture ou continuité? Ecologie & politique, N° 46, p. 41-54.