Project description

The CLACSO Working Group “The Future of Work and Care for the Common Home” is an interdisciplinary and interreligious research-action group that, following the model of social dialogue, is made up of different representatives from universities, trade unions, social movements, grassroots communities, churches, government departments and international offices. Dr. Beling served as an academic advisor to the Thematic Axis “Ecological Crisis” from 2020 to 2021.

Taking care of work and taking care of the common home are two vital aspects of reality that need to be addressed in tandem if a solution to the global ecological crisis is to be found. The work of the CLACSO WG “The Future of Work and Care for the Common Home” includes consolidating networks so that they can contribute their own knowledge as an input to the WG’s work and use its outputs as a point of departure for establishing new lines of action. For a comprehensive outline of the WG’s objectives, actions, and list of persons involved, see

CLACSO is the Latin-American Council of the Social Sciences (, an international non-governmental institution with associative status at UNESCO, created in 1967. It currently brings together 883 research and postgraduate centers in the social sciences and humanities in 56 countries in Latin America and other continents. a member of the International Science Council (

Related Publications

  • Beling, Adrián E. (2020). “La transformación socio-ecológica del Antropoceno: saqueo de la casa común”. Boletín #2 del Grupo de Trabajo El futuro del trabajo y cuidado de la Casa Común. URL:

  • Beling, Adrián E. & Emmanuel Poretti (2023). “Educación para una ecología integral: La Diplomatura Superior en Ecología Integral de la Red Universitaria para el Cuidado de la Casa Común (RUC)”. Volumen 1 Grupo de Trabajo El futuro del trabajo y cuidado de la Casa Común, CLACSO.