Sierra Johannesen

CRC T2S Research Assistant 2022-Present
BA Psychology Undergraduate Student at The King’s University, Edmonton

Sierra Johannesen is a fourth-year student at The King’s University and will graduate in December of 2023 with a BA in Psychology. Afterwards, she is interested in pursuing a Master’s in Clinical or Counselling Psychology to become a registered psychologist. Sierra is interested in working with vulnerable populations in clinical settings, including those struggling with addiction, complex trauma, and other mental health conditions. When Sierra isn’t busy studying or conducting research, she likes to go for walks around the city, hang out with friends, and read the next up-and-coming psychological thriller! 

Although Sierra’s focus is psychology, her time at King’s has led her to develop a passion for environmental sustainability. Having learned about how the current ecological crisis jeopardizes the mental and physical well-being of individuals and their communities, she knew that she wanted to be a part of Dr. Adrian Beling’s team and learn more about how to transition into a more sustainable future. Currently, her roles on the team include networking, reading, and summarizing relevant research articles, and performing thematic analyses.